Tuesday, January 18, 2011

LOST and FOUND A Performance for Houston Community College Northeast

The rumor had started that I was looking for a male with dark hair and I was almost certain this one was a fake.

The crowd had been forewarned. But they were confused. Were the rumors true, were they planted, was I the only pickpocket in the room or was I there to protect the people from the pickpocket? It was all a question of good and evil - which one was I - which one was the person standing next to me? And could it all be so simple? Did suspicion taint the room, were we all questioning one another? How were we coming to conclusions about who was who and how close we would get? Did my checking for a watch on my wrist create a wave of awareness to possessions we carry and the relationship they have to our bodies? Are we more aware than we give ourselves credit for, would another body understand the intention of my body without conceiving of the intent?

A Planted Profesional Pickpocket Is On the Prowl, Protect Yourself
Performance 8:00 - 8:30 pm, December 9th, 2010

To claim lost items please see the Information Desk located at the entry of
Houston Community College, Northeast or speak with Uniformed Security

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